** LAND WITH PLANNING APPROVED ** PERMISSION GRANTED FOR ONE THREE-BEDROOM, THREE STOREY PROPERTY ** ADJOINING DETACHED PROPERTY ALSO FOR SALE - VIA SEPARATE NEGOTIATION ** An attractive proposition for a builder or developer to secure a small piece of building land at a competitive price. Plans have been approved for one residential dwelling with a small garden and off-road parking. There was a property on this site that was demolished a long time ago, so the new build is a reinstatement of this. The adjoining four bedroom detached property is also available with ourselves and offers great potential - listed separately at £135,000. Please contact Whitney's on 01274 880019 with any queries.
PLEASE NOTE Full details of the planning application are available on the Bradford Council website planning portal - Planning ref: 23/00313/FUL
PLEASE NOTE A small section of the land is covered by an Adverse Possession Insurance policy. Please enquire with Whitney's Clayton office for further details 01274 880019.